Friendship Day Cakes

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“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one’.” – C.S. Lewis.

If our Science of friendship is to be believed, friends with similar traits and personalities enjoy the best bonds and create the most special memories to cherish for lifetime. No wonder why they say, birds of a feather flock together. Think about your best friend(s) right now, and gauge those similar features and qualities that keep you two (or your group) closely knit. You will surely smile at how far your friendship has come, owing to that similar nature.

What? You could find nothing in common between you and your best friend(s)? We think Physics has a say here. “Opposite attracts”.
Well, in both the cases, we wish you stay friends forever, until you start to look like each other :-p

You know you have successfully drawn out the true meaning the word “friendship” holds if you care for your friends and go that extra mile to make them feel extra special, irrespective of what day of the year it is. But since it is Friendship Day, it would be a wonderful idea to surprise your best friend(s) with a Friendship cake. Find the perfect cake flavour to uplift your friendship at Do not forget to shout out Happy Friendship Day while cutting the cake, because “Yaaro, dosti badi hi haseen hai”. #Happy_Dosti_Day. 